Portoro Desk installed into Saville Row reception


Last week Paul and Vitaly installed (with a few extra hands!) a commission for a desk designed for a Saville Row client.

The desk began as a 16 tonne block of Italian Portoro Marble which was selected from a yard in Carrara by Paul and William from Workingstone last year. This marble comes from the region of La Spezia where it is quarried from under the sea, The distinctive black and bright gold pattern is formed in a marine environment where it is deep, poorly oxygenated and rich in organic matter.

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The desk has been a very exciting project and the opportunity to work with the architects at Denton Corker Marshall was a pleasure. The installation was expected to be quite and undertaking but the expertise of the whole team (including Tony from Riverside Haulage) ensured it happened smoothly.

Just goes to show what’s possible! From the depths of the sea to the reception of Saville Row offices.
